One of many news stories re the aforementioned booing here.
How many of the booers would have had the stones to walk in to Liberty University — a place that has little love for Democrats — and give this speech?
No, don’t expect a man who for months has been calling for a political revolution against a corrupt, oligarchic, and war-happy system to go unreservedly endorse and campaign for one of that system’s preeminent exponents. For him to do so would be to drop any pretense that he was serious about said revolution.
I do expect he will campaign for Clinton in a way that is more a campaign against Trump. To do that, he will need to appeal to the likely Trump voter and he will need to point more to the Democratic platform than to Clinton herself. Sanders may be in a unique position to do this and if his Liberty U. experience is any indication, he may be able to win converts that Clinton likely would never be able to win herself.